– Labour Law

Companies require proper information and timely counseling to prevent contingencies in connection with the latest ammendments to the Mexican Labor Law, complying with current labor provisions and for having an adequate working environment.

In view of the above, Pizá Abogados, as a leader Law Firm in the provision of legal services in labor issues and through a team of specialized lawyers, ensures the effectively application of the Federal Labor Law from our clients, as well as its regulatory provisions, to comply with the aforementioned obligations.

We are experts in conflicts prevention through a Department of Labor Consultancy. We generate strategies related to the transfer of personnel derived from a merger or acquisition and we perform audits or labor diagnoses to determine if the clients are complying with the different labor Law provisions. We also have a department dedicated to Labor Litigation, all available to national and multinational companies.


•Consultancy on the development of individual and/or collective tailored contract clauses in compliance with the Federal Labor Law.
• Consultancy on the granting of various benefits, commissions and incentives; consultancy on profit sharings, employer substitution, labor intermediation, etc.
• Hiring schemes and economic packages for expatriates.
• Analysis of contracts for lending services and especially for subcontracting and/or Outsourcing.
• Individual and collective labor Litigation.
• Consideration and representation before the Labor and Social Security authorities during ordinary and extraordinary inspections.

Website:   pizaabogados.com
Contact: piza@pizaabogados.com