Social Security

The correct compliment of obligations in terms of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the Institute of the National Fund for Housing for Workers (INFONAVIT) is one of the most complex and important issues for the corporate sector, which not only requires an effective approach, but genuinely specialized attention.

As an expert Law Firm in litigation and consultancy, CASS is specialized exclusively in Social Security Law, which for more than 36 years, has analyzed the real situation that companies face in issues concerning IMSS and INFONAVIT implementing defense mechanisms against irregular procedures by the authorities.

Our highly specialized lawyers, public accountants, doctors and engineers, work together in order to correct companies’ irregularities in issues concerning social security preventing new contingencies that could endanger their stability.


• Legal counseling on the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and the Institute of the National Fund for Housing
for Workers (INFONAVIT).
• Pensions.
• Litigation: Study and implementation of administrative defense mechanisms before jurisdictional authorities.
• Representation before the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) and (INFONAVIT) authorities.
• Preventive and corrective audits in front of IMSS and INFONAVIT.
• Preventive and corrective audits in connection with Labor Health and Safety.
• Counseling and attention of audits and inspectional actions implemented by IMSS and INFONAVIT or STPS.
• Prepare opinions for the accurate compliance of Social Security and INFONAVIT contributions.
• Planning for the special obligations compliance of the construction industry. Comprehensive System of Registration of Construction Works (SIROC).
• Counseling and revision of contracts for the legal compliance of companies providing services in the field of staff outsourcing.
• Information regarding policies adopted by authorities related to the firm’s specialities.
• Providing advice regarding the insurance of workers abroad and expatriates.
• Delivering courses and seminars for training and updating on Social Security issues.
• Drafting opinions and guidelines for legislative and administrative authorities concerning Social Security Law.
